What value is a memorial?
Besides providing a reference for remembrance to lives lost and sacrificed, what is the intrinsic value? What are memorials other than symbols of the “glory” of war? And how is it we are convinced that war, any war, can be “glorious”?
How is it that national interests, any nation’s interests, can justify the threat and ultimately the forced imposition of its will on any other, any other nation, or any other being? What constitutes a “nation”? Is it geographic boundaries? Ethnic background? Religious heritage? Historically evolved cultural commonalities? OR, is it what is emerging today, the corporatization and assimilation of national identities into the fold of economic dominions, under the guise of democratic expansion? Is the democratic process only widow dressing perpetuating the illusion of a narrowly conceived idea of freedom? What does “freedom” have to do with “nationalism” anyway? What makes us assume that our “democracy” is the universal desire of all other nations and peoples? I use the term “democracy” loosely as there is behind the curtain powers that manipulate the image. Powers that we are supposed to “pay no attention too”. But we are permitted to cast our vote for a new “avatar” that looks more attractive to us, a new “mouthpiece” that will say things the way we want to hear them. Nothing will change - the underlying powers remain the same – but we will feel better – we’ve cast our vote.
Now, I’m sure I’ve convinced some, if not many, that I have a problem with “democracy”. NO – that is not the case. I have a problem with the “illusion” of democracy. And as any system may become corrupted, not just economically corrupted which I feel certain is probable, but corrupted with extraneous laws, laws of convenience and compromise, arbitrary in nature and holding no absolute value for permanence other than to secure the presumed rights of a privileged few. It is argued that we are a “nation of laws”. The idea being it is the rule of “law” that binds us and defines our character and relations to each other. This holds well only as a limited exercise in human relations. And most, would agree that as dictated by a common sense of conscience there are human rights no-one is entitled to violate. But as we become engrossed in the codifying of “laws” of less than universal perception and agreed to for the sake of expediency - the conscience and character of our individual identities is lost. My conscience becomes bound by the arbitrarily expedient - my humanity – and human right to act on conscience – my “freedom” is lost. Freedom becomes synonymous with “conforming”.
And it is these same master merchants who would compromise my conscience who would sell me the notion that a memorial is sufficient compensation for a life. Or many lives. Or my son, or sons, or daughters, and friends. A statue on a battle field, a parade down Main Street, a eulogy over dead bodies, a fine obituary. No - I do not find this adequate compensation. Not when the reality of what the sacrifice made for is such a lie.
We have become a nation without conscience. Much talk has been made lately about the inherent compromise of talking to our enemies and the presumed “appeasement” that entails. When are we in the United States going to open our eyes? Appeasement – “Appeasement my ass!” Face the facts – the world – with few exceptions – is in truth tap dancing to our tune and doing everything it can to appease us. After all they wouldn’t want some armed drone aircraft hovering over them just looking for some “target of opportunity”. And in our arrogance we are continuing to press on to manage the planet and seek out those “targets of opportunity” where ever they may be. “You’re either with us or against us” George W. Bush.
GW is just the surface. So are “Dicky C” and the rest of their cronies. Hillary or Barack are not the answer either. Oh a few non –crucial compensations may be implemented, but the underlying reality of the corporate economic domination of the world remains, and WE, the United States, its puppet police force.
Welcome to "Pax Americana"

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