Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sins of the Fathers

This links to a Washington Post article and video regarding children living homeless.
My friends inquiry:
Regarding Sins of the "Father" Instead of pointing fingers, help find a solution. The entitlement mentality IE. Choosing social security and welfare as a career path, should not condemn a child to the same fate. I empathize with those who have fallen to hard times. I also recognize there is a mentality that takes any and every advantage. A child deserves every opportunity that we as an "advanced" society can give them. We as a whole are failing these children. These children do not want anything more than love and a secure present. Their future is in their own hands. We however should have an obligation to help release them from the hobbles they are fettered with. It's not who's to blame, it's why we are inefficient and ineffective when we are needed.

My initial response:

This may take a little while, as I have struggled with the ideas for some time myself, and cannot claim any complete solution. But, do have some definite ideas as to what our responsibility may be, much as related to scripture, and some more a matter of experience. If its alright, and I suspect it is as we are engaged in an ongoing conversation, I will make this in installments, but I want you to know it is not neglected. I simply have to set aside times to address the issue adequately. So expect more in the next few days.


My reply:

Ex 34:7 and others regarding 'visiting the iniquities of the fathers unto the third and fourth generations' was, at one time very troubling to me. But that was before I understood more of how the human mind and environmental (parental and family) conditions influenced each other.

We, in the Christian community, tend to relate 'God' as the responsible agent for virtually all human conditions, without consideration for the natural cause and effects, as they exist, whether as instituted by His divine person or as a fact of natural condition. IE 'God' is the one to blame, He is obviously 'unfair'. This is a logical conclusion, not too difficult to espouse, but that is based on a very limited understanding of how human relations affect each other, and particularly as relates from generation to generation.

When the Bible states (as pertaining to God speaking) I will visit, the contemporary accepted notion is that God causes, and that can be rationalized, though I believe errantly. The Bible is not a book to explain all the details of conditions as pertains to humans and God, but uses the God reference to explain attributes of spiritual, psychological and often material truths in environs of ignorance and inadequate means of understanding truths and reality beyond the limits of those being addressed. I know this would automatically relegate me to the realms of unbelief (as contemporarily defined by Fundamentalists) but I dont really worry about that, as this is relatively simple by comparison to some the deeper I get into it, and if it is truth why should I worry.

Jesus said at the time of his being anointed with expensive perfume in preparation for his execution and burial, as he was confronted about the cost and the fact that it could have been spent to relieve the “poor”, “…the poor you always have with you…” Of course he was emphasizing the fact that his presence was of a limited duration, but I believe he was equally underscoring the fact that eliminating poverty is not a matter of focusing on it, or providing some temporary relief … Or that as scrutinized in greater detail poverty could be eliminated, but poverty is an actual condition to be expected as all economic systems being humanly devised invariably are deficient in considering the class of persons, for whatever reasons, predisposed to reject or neglect the necessities of life required to maintain their existence within the commonly accepted system. This is not a Capitalist or Socialist problem, but rather a human nature problem. Unfortunately where this obstinate attitude begins or surfaces, the progeny of the transgressor suffer. Eventually, these descendants must come to their own thinking and either accept their “fate” (I don’t like that word) or make a break in their congenital thinking inherited through exposure to parental influence. This is a situation which holds true regarding many areas of thought picked up through parental relations. We must all accept responsibility for our own thoughts and associated actions and responses in the world.

Now, having stated what I have, that does not excuse us from making our every effort to provide a better life foundation for all caught in such disadvantaged marginalized situations. As Jesus observed the multitudes being “without a shepherd” or gathering the little children to himself. Yet, I do not believe this attitude of Christ is one that can be mandated or made part of the “Christian” code. It must be one divinely instilled … though I do not reject the necessity of ongoing, affirmative, and pro-active education, the acceptance of responsibility regarding ministry to the needs of others is an individual one, and being “guilted” into ministerial service is a religious farce.

I also think it is unrealistic to believe that we, as an enlightened” society will ever completely solve the problem of poverty, or homelessness. We can do what we can as individuals, and influence as many as we can, but I do not believe a corporate effort (as a corporation is currently defined) can be created to accomplish the task. A corporation is made up of individuals, and no matter how “well defined” a purpose may be, there will always be exceptions which require an individual’s attention and make accommodation for the needs of all such individuals not fitting into the ‘corporate’ definition. Thus I realize my responsibility is to be who I am to all I can be and influence to a greater life than they currently understand. A corporate system may be supportive, but is not itself the heart of ministry.

There are a number of problems concerning the little girl and such living in homeless shelters. First, what are parental rights and responsibilities? There are cases where I think the state should step in and place a child in foster care. But that is not an absolute, each case is different. Second, a child’s desire to improve, must be faced with their need to divorce from acquired parental attitudes and influence. Third, though a desire to relocate to another state may be understandable, it does not address the acquired and/or innate human deficiency. The fact that humans are deficient (or ‘sinful’) is not a popular concept in modern culture. But, I have learned over the years from experience … we are. The cause or nature of this deficiency are too complicated to even try to clearly decipher. I do believe we humans can progress and improve our cultural social situation, but also believe we are continually faced with an often disproportionate number, of a mind to reject whatever system is established, or “a mentality that takes any and every advantage”… giving little or nothing in return. These deserve nothing, but is it my place to make that judgment? When is hope extinguished? When do I give up on another human being? I dont know.




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