Sunday, August 17, 2014

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. - Engraved on Statue of Liberty"

At some point in our relatively recent American history, this line as engraved on the Statue of Liberty, has been reduced to just so much more “Yankee Bullshit” associated with the “American myth”. At least, that is what an apparent great number of current Americans want us to accept, White, Black and even Hispanic.

Granted, as observed by many conservatives, the United States does have a lot of problems which would be more easily dealt with by closing our borders or sticking our heads in the sand or slipping into whatever state of denial best suits the need of the time, But ‘whatever the case’ this is only a temporary measure, allowing current authority to pass off the responsibility to the next generation or administration as is the case.

What so many of us ‘Americans’ have forgotten, or selectively made a personal ‘right’, is that our nation was founded on certain ideals. Ideals which are difficult to live up to, yet we have all or mostly all received the benefit of.

“American” has been reduced to ‘what benefits the current resident citizens of the United States of America”, to which we recruit and send our ‘patriot’ son’s and daughter’s to enforce around the world, with little and mostly NO concern as to the realities underlying our political and military interests. We are “American”, we can kick ass, we are the best and can and will bomb whoever ‘back to the stone age’ if you don’t buckle under and submit to ‘our’ will … “We’ve got the drones that can do it to you, from the security of our bunkers 12,000 miles away … fuckin’ gooks, chinks, brown skinned ragheads … camel fuckers … “ And in the tradition of American capitalism, we will sell our services to the highest bidder, or if you prefer, sell you the means to accomplish your task on your own. Of course you understand, we may come back at a future time and date and reverse what has previously been established to suit our, or our allies, needs and desires as it is deemed most to our benefit at that time. Of course we will make every effort to create an image, to our liking and appearance, which presents us in the most favorable light, all the while appearing to be sacrificing our self-interests as we best determine is in your interest. Yet always remember, our plans are well thought out, with our ultimate interests are our primary objective.

American ideals, as currently expressed in our International policies, enforced by our military, are essentially the extension of the early nineteenth century doctrine of Manifest Destiny. This in actuality growing out of our colonial period where establishing ourselves in the ‘New World’ was demarcated as entering the new Promised Land to become a “City set on a hill”, a nation dedicated to ‘God’ and defined by Biblical principles. The problem always narrowing down to “What defined whose Biblical principles?”

The fact being the United States of America was a conglomeration of philosophies, partly Christian (with no distinct adherence to any organized religion) and Enlightenment ideals, some Deistic and some of no particular religious affiliation. As such, we are not a distinctly ‘Christian’ nation. As a nation, defined by the Constitution, we are not distinctly joined to any specific economic or political ideology.  Corporate Capitalism as it currently dominates is only a matter of the failure of “we the people” to take the responsibility to actually govern ourselves rather than turning it over to so called experts in the law and any setting themselves up as most capable to do our thinking for us.

No doubt, this is a great responsibility. It means work … learning and thinking. It is much easier to pass off the responsibility to another as our ‘so called’ representative. And that may be necessary, to a degree. But how many of us are willing to make the effort to hold these ‘representatives’ accountable, and not just on a whim, but educate ourselves as to the issues? I fear in truth it is very few.

When words like ’socialist’. ‘Fascist’ or ‘freedom’ are used, how much do we know beyond the common rhetoric, which uses catch phrases to elicit an emotional response from us?

What does being an American mean to you? Should we tear down the Statue of Liberty because its ideals no longer fit into what is currently espoused by so called ‘patriots’?




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