I am
generally considered pretty liberal, but I am not 100% liberal. By that I mean
I am not which would be considered politically correct. On some issues I fall
into the conservative camp, on others and probably most, I am definitely out of
step with my conservative brethren. And it should be no surprise to anyone that
the older I get the more conservative I seem to become. But I can say that is
not without a great deal of consternation. It does seem that most of my liberal
nature is in the area of how we come to certain conclusions and not so much the
conclusions themselves. For example many of my online liberal friends, at least
to me, seem to have a Pollyanna-ish perspective on the way things are or should
be. It is almost like just put on a happy face and the world will smile back at
you. I have not found this necessarily to be true, although I do think one’s
attitude does play into what one actually perceives as reality. But that being
said I have found there are situations and persons regardless of the positive
face one might put on, these persons and the situations precipitated do not
necessarily resolve themselves to the betterment of all involved.
liberals, if not most, and I actually think this applies to conservatives as
well as liberals but it is liberals I have spent most of my thinking time with,
are willing to entertain an idea until it actually conflicts with their own,
then they cease being quite so liberal and turns you off or wish to turn you
off to prevent further discussion. It is like it is okay to engage in a
discussion until there is some kind of conflict or argument to be engaged in,
and argument not in the sense of personal attack but argument as a philosophic
or academic engagement. It is as though an unwillingness to hear potentially
effective ideas may somehow enter and taint what they have already determined
to be the truth. Like I say I don’t believe this is just a liberal problem, or
a conservative problem, but a human nature problem. We don’t want to face the
possibility first, that I might be wrong, and second, this new information may
affect or possibly even change my mind. And God forbid that I might ever be lumped
together with those conservatives.
conservative has an image problem. Generally when one thinks of a conservative
things like biased, bigoted, close minded, traditional and unthinking come to
mind. Though I realize this is not the case I also realize it is a real
perception. And though some conservative ideas and ideals do have valid foundation
that foundation is only within a limited perspective, or way of thinking. The
biggest problem I can see with conservatives is that they are died in true to
the status quo. Whatever has been is the way it should be. And anything which
counters the way it is … is suspect. It would seem that the willingness to take
chances for the betterment of all concerned was tossed out at the end of the
revolution for independence from Great Britain. Of course here I am speaking to
an American audience so my European and world friends will simply have to
tolerate my being an American.
We are all
affected by our life’s experiences. I think first and foremost is our actual
first-hand experience but other factors play into this including education, natural
temperament and a myriad of others. As all these factors become part of our
mental equation our perceptions are formed and subsequent to these decisions
are made as to how we respond in life. Some of us have led more sheltered lives
than others, others have been thrust out and have had to deal with realities
which are not the experience of their sheltered peers. I do not think there is
any absolute as to which may be become liberal or which may become
conservative, as stated above there are a plethora of factors which go into
this equation. The point is not all of our experience is the same and the more
experienced one is there are more factors which come into play, or can come
into play if education is equal.
I post
essays on numerous Internet sites. Depending on my life’s demands I may find
myself writing and blogging more than others. As I post essays, I leave them
posted and often they are forgotten. After a while I remember I had been
posting at a particular site and go back to reread some of these. I virtually
never pay attention to comments that are left until it is well past the time of
the original post. But I had the “Fortune” or “misfortune” to read one of these
comments that was left about a year ago. This was from a person who I would describe
as a classic liberal, but at a time I was being accused of certain anti-liberal
and biased or possibly antisocial behaviors in the past, without considering
what I might have to say or hearing the full story or understanding the
conditions underlying the accusations they decided to drop me as a friend but
not before posting their own opinions. To me this is an example of limited
biased prejudicial thinking… Of the liberal sort. But let it be clear
conservatives behave the same way… Human beings whatever else we may be… Are
not perfect… And for now that’s all I have to say.
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