This is my world. It is not that other. Though both exist simultaneously, this is the world that few may ever see.
Not that it never was manifest, but few are capable of comprehending it. Too many would try to explain it, or analyze it and thus dissect it into it's many various parts, but it can't be done, because it exists as a whole and there is no division, and all relates as one. There is no body or spirit, they are not separate entities, there is no dichotomy between the mind and emotion. We are all human, we all exist, there is no illusion of what is not, only what we create. And many can create a great deal.
In my world, there is no debate … only relate … and everything else finds it's place. Our persona's are what we decide to share, a gift of ourselves we give to each other, and all are worthy of respect. There is no doubt of the existence of any as we all are what we chose to be. And the depth of ourselves deeper than our image emanates and exudes in an environment safe from lifeless eyes and empty minds, but connecting with longings shared and embraced … in words …and music …images … and silence.
This my world - is not my fantasy, it is my reality. I have seen miracles … and I have made magic … And I have made love … and they all exist. And I cannot comprehend their difference … they are all one and the same.
In my world all is not reason and logic, mathematics and measurement. These all exist, but they do not define or explain. They are clues, bread crumbs dropped along a path into the forest. In my world to know you is to touch you and feel you to see behind your eyes and experience a world not unlike my own, but a new dimension in reality, that we freely choose to give each other … but never … never … to impose upon each other. One gives another receives … there are no rules … there is no law …there is NO judgment … only to love the other. And if there is a code of conduct it is this "get over yourself", we are all only one of the many.
But many cannot live in this world. It is a state of being that has not been given too them. And some hoping to see, would force themselves and presume perception, not realizing they are blind. Because none can demand anything … and not everything is comprehended in the mind, the stuff that intelligence is made of. But feeling (for lack of a better word) realized in the mind, yet existing beyond it, inflicts itself and I emote … I come alive … transcending, though not divorced from my body and all else that is me … the human being.
Many have not been invited into my world. … it is all a gift … and a gift that often takes time to grow and mature. The rules of the world of our "alter egos" do not apply here.
I am crazy as a loon … a mad scientist in my laboratory creating my monster … I am Charles Manson and Mother Theresa, Gandhi and Hitler, I am images of the past and visions of the future, I am the dreams of all, and all are in me … I am that I am … what do you want to be?
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