Friday, April 5, 2013

August 27, Monday - The Womens Plight

August 27, Monday

I am astounded by the blatant aggressive behavior of the homosexual community. Open petting such that few straights would feel comfortable engaging in. Then again, this is about as low on the social scale that can be fathomed. Women, particularly white women, are being held as prizes by black men wanting some of that white pussy and potentially contributing to the homogenization of the races. And the women, being used by whites and blacks, passed from one "protector" to another, hoping to make it through the night, maybe a week, and at only the cost of a good fucking and the risk of a pregnancy.

Some may think that this only reveals my own prejudices about the races, maybe there is some truth to this. But I have sat with black men, no doubt the most ignorant sort, and listened too and been lectured too while they spewed their own racial bigotry. This is not to say all are alike, and not to assume that a racially mixed couple is bad, but an underlying ignorance prevails, and this ignorance is not limited to black and white. It is the ignorance of separation, us against them and the desire of one to dominate the other.


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