Friday, April 5, 2013

I am now in Austin Texas 8-13-2012

I am now in Austin Texas. Yes, I am living the life of a homeless vagabond, but it really isn't that bad. I am here because this is where the music is at and apparently along the way learning a lot about a side of our culture that most would rather ignore or pretend didn't exist. But, such as it is, I am here, and this is the life I live.

I had to sell my last guitar back in Terre Haute in order to survive the last few weeks and have a little cash to get out of town. I'm not too worried about this though, you see; I have been watching things in my life fall together, as quickly as some may see them falling apart. Life on the streets isn't a whole lot different than going camping and playing "hide and seek" all at the same time. There are city ordinances that have to be kept in mind, but in general the police are a nice enough sort. One even advised me about busking on the streets and how to do it and not be given a citation for solicitation. But there are the sorts of con men and jerks and idiots as well as out-right criminal sorts to be avoided. And I would not recommend this sort of thing to everyone. But if your heart is right and your head clear and focused, I believe this is the way to understanding ... life ... humanity ... and even God ... I know my use of the word "God" offends some of my friends, but I have found it is just another way of understanding or at least providing a non-descriptive reference to the workings of our universe - You know ... the things we are still trying to figure out. And so substitute whatever "noun" or pronoun you figure is appropriate.

Most of my basic human needs are being provided for through the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless (Showers, washing clothes, water, and a cool (literally) place to get out of the heat). Beds are by lottery, I have not taken advantage of this (yet). It is very pleasant at night and I have become accustomed to sleeping on sidewalks and grassy places, as well as on large stones in under bridges if required. As long as I remain inconspicuous there seems to be no problem. But, come 6:30 in the morning I had better be moving. I am hoping to get a locker tomorrow, they are also provided by lottery. The only real concern I have is keeping my things secure. A lock would do nicely. I have not concerned myself with getting another guitar as I would need a place to store and secure it when I'm not using it, but that will take care of itself in time.

I am trying to stay in touch with Mary back in Terre Haute. This may become difficult as my cell is about out of minutes and no finances to add any. Work is bad all across the country. This I know from experience. People going from one place to the other - hoping to find something. But I'm not looking for a conventional straight job. Maybe a few hours here and there, I do not want to be tied to anything that would become too restrictive or mean compromising values I have come to enjoy as fundamental. I really believe that the writing I will do as I continue is justification enough for all the hardship and life's inconveniences that needs be endured. But I would like to get Mary here someday.

I can be written to at:

Bob Couchenour

P.O. Box 2509

Austin, Texas 78768

If anyone feels prompted to buy me a card to add minutes to my cell phone it would be greatly appreciated. I have a "TracFone" and service runs through Oct. 15, but the minutes are virtually depleted.

My time is about up - I only get one hour at a time on the computer at the Austin County Library. I will post updates as they occur. My email is still, this will not change. Hope to hear from any and all of you.


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