There are some women who would like me to deny my natural
maleness. They want to take sexual
attraction out of the equation. There’s
a tendency to try and equate one sex the same as the other. I cannot deny that male dominance over the
centuries has led to this kind of swing or reaction though unfortunately I do
think many wishing to see change overreact and do as much harm to the human
condition as the good they would wish. Difference of gender does not infer
inequality. Inequality is only the product of ignorant, uneducated limited
minds. God, or nature (as you will) made two sexes. We are not asexual and
another … Two, do become one … in any case, it is an ideal worth remembering.
And this is a principle that transcends any religious, Biblical notions. It has
been understood immemorial, even in a time the matriarchal dominated cultures.
I certainly cannot claim to have done right in all my
choices of the past. But I do feel
confident that though mistakes
were made seeking to do right was always at the forefront of my mind. Unfortunately it is only now in my more
mature years that I’m coming to realize what some of these past mistakes
were. Some were with my children, some
were in relationship with their mother and some more generally as applies to
the relationship between men and women.
If there was a way to go back and redo some things I’m sure we all
would, but we are not given that option.
All we can do is learn the lessons and go on.
I am a male, I appreciate a beautiful woman. As I get to know a woman I like the dynamic
which can happen between us, this includes natural sexual relations. I think society, and more specifically
religious society tries to impose certain rules upon the broader culture and so
invest itself with a control beyond the scope of its own religious and social
context. By doing so it limits what is
otherwise the natural ability of the human being to think freely and act
We have laws established to govern
our conduct and relations as a society of people. There’s also other informal, not legally
binding, rules of conduct which we apply to ourselves, but are not such as is
demanding our strictest adherence. These
rules of conduct (roc), are only of a very limited social context and are
nonbinding to society and culture in general.
Yet these “roc”, many of a primarily religious root, hold such a sway and dominance within general culture as to be
equated the status of “law”. The purpose
of law is to protect the rights of persons and their property. The purpose of law is not to establish a
cultural moral framework, fundamentally the expression of any religious group
or ideology.
One of the failings of democracy, is
the same thing which is its strength. In
a democracy ideally the majority rules.
But one problem created is that the less informed the populace is, and
this includes the ability to critically assess differing sides of a particular
issue, the less able they are to intelligently use their vote. The less one is informed, the more one
becomes susceptible to the maneuverings and manipulations will those holding
their own agendas and not specifically with the interest of society as a whole
in mind.
The United States used to be able
to claim one of the highest standards of education in the world. Unfortunately as we have become addicted to
our technology we also became less able to critically think and make rational
decisions. We are able to educate
ourselves to a degree necessary to do the job corporate industry needs of
us. And generally speaking that is enough
to satisfy our needs. But the more we are required to look at our bigger
culture, and world cultures, the limitations of our specialized education
become increasingly insufficient. Thus we wonder why so many in the world hate
us. It is because we think in a box and
do not know how to look out and see the bigger world.
As a nation we are proud, and
there’s some reason to be proud. But if
we do take an objective look at ourselves, it is just as easy to see the
reasons to be ashamed. It wasn’t until I
started to get into it, and I really wasn’t looking for this, but I discovered
our religious heritage was not as pure as we have been taught. And not only so, there is not a religion in
history that can fully attest to its purity by example.
To summarize, we have allowed
religious demagogues to determine what is right and what it is that is proper
thinking and what it is to be human.
Most of this coming from limited and biased acceptance of arbitrarily
canonized scripture of no intrinsic deific quality accept what is attributed to
them by imperfect men. There are many
scriptures, most claimed by someone to be divinely inspired. To allow a religious group to determine what
to you is god given this to deny yourself what is in you a divinely given mind
and ability to think and reason. There
is a great deal which is denied acceptance by all traditional religious
authority, the reason for this is that it contradicts what they have
established as acceptable … Acceptable
as religious doctrine and acceptable as human conduct. And one of the greatest fears, though it may
be denied for lack of thought, is that they will not be able to control what
transpires in your bedroom. To the
church sex equals fear.